
Friday, January 28, 2011

The Road Not Taken..

Now.I'm standing in front of three diverge roads.

One is a road that guarantees me my future and it is the road that many have taken.Being an establish English teacher,tutor,or even a lecturer.

Another is a road that is less venture by people.My future or plan seems vague if I take this road.It's a field that is less given focus in our country and might not seem welcoming to others.Yet again.Believe it or not.People invest their money more for this without them noticing its importance.Early Education.However,I have to pursue my studies and get myself worried about administration workloads besides teaching.

The third one has to be something that I'm interested in.Journalist,novelist,scriptwriter, or even a CARTOONIST.As for this road.. I might have to struggle and make myself stands out from the rest.I know there are many talented writers out there.As I have lost my creativity..It might take some time to polish or discover it back.

If you were me.Which road will you take?the road that was taken by others?venture into new path?or take the risk by throwing oneself into a career which may or may not guarantee my future.Pick one.

PS:For the time-being I'm opting for option number 2.I can't help myself from reflecting the pros and cons for every option.I don't want to make a mistake in my CAREER.


Anonymous said...

kalau aku la..aku pilih yang no 1..kadang2 kita tak tahu apa ynag terbaik untuk kita, tapi selalunya InsyaAllah apa yang tersurat depan kita adalah yang terbaik untuk kita..(ada gaya kaunselor sekolah rendah x???)

Nur Salawati_Nadzri said...

haha..bagi aku hang ni kaunselor universiti=)
taw2 pilihan no1 tu slalunya menjadi pilihan ramai sb terjamin.
sepanjang hidup ska wat pilihan yg susah.
thnkx ek for your akan pertimbangkan.nak tgk opinion org len gak.

Shah Alam Dude said...

Let the future choose your destiny. You can always follow your own instinct, but then does it really can make you survive without everyone else in the world? It's an option to be made, whether it is right or left both ways will bring you to definite future.

Nur Salawati_Nadzri said...

yeah.thanks for the feedback=)
if i keep thinking and thinking.I might not get anything done.It's better to make my choice rather than doing nothing.
yeah..Let the future choose my destiny

Anonymous said...

if i am you, i will choose the second option know why..?
it is the path that you really fond of ..rite?

you like chldren, art , drawing and so forth that relates with early why don't try it out..

once u decide, u have to be determined with your choices never look back so taht you will not regret for not choosing the other options.

however, you have to seriously discuss your future path with your parents,, their advices might be worthwhile for you to consider with before you make your first move..

Don't forget your istikharah's prayer..if it works, everything would be go on smoothly..=)

( panda shua)