
Thursday, September 9, 2010

First Post

Welcome everyone to my new blog.
To cut a long story short.Mainly my blog is about:
-Travel updates
(panaromic photos,food avenue, main attractions)
(book reviews-preferably thriller,bibliographic, and horror genre)
(animes,games,movies,art collections,etc)
-Outgoing activities
(University activities, highlight occasions,festive seasons,academic discussions, concerning issues)
-People who had inspired me

Hope you guys will participate in my blog and I hope that this blog could benefit everyone in many ways.This blog represents who I am and any comments will be appreciated.
PS:Feel free to comment in any languages that you guys prefer.It's ok as long as I understand it:)

Inspiring Lecturer-PM Khairi

One of the lecturer that I look up to is PM Khairi.He is one of the lecturers in UTM that inspired and motivated me in the educational field.
He is a person with a strong belief of teaching is a nurturing process.I could see his implementation of the belief through his lectures and consultation sessions.

I am some of the students that always took the chance to consult him on my assignments and he did help me for my PSM idea generation.I did some changes though and I was glad that he help me out even though he was not my supervisor.

As difficult as I have to admit,I still need help even though I am in my final year.Some guidance should be given to any supervisees for their final year project.But that is only on my opinion base.
Other factor that made me inspired to follow his footsteps is his knowledge on education field.I wonder how he could cite and quote so many names at the same time.Not to mention the years of citations,readings, and many more.

An educator should be patient,knowledgeable, accessible, and a person that anyone could look up to as a role model.

Through my learning experiences,he is one of the few educators that I look up to.Sometimes I wonder whether teachers/educators really teach for the sake of the pay or it is their passion to help those in need.
TEACHING is a big responsibility and a profession not many look up to.I am one of those who did not think education field is something to be proud of but my perceptions changed due to experience.

These are some of the inspiring quotations in teaching:

No man can be a good teacher unless he has feelings of warm affection toward his pupils and a genuine desire to impart to them what he himself believes to be of value.

Bertrand Russell

If a doctor, lawyer, or dentist had 40 people in his office at one time, all of whom had different needs, and some of whom didn't want to be there and were causing trouble, and the doctor, lawyer, or dentist, without assistance, had to treat them all with professional excellence for nine months, then he might have some conception of the classroom teacher's job.

Donald D. Quinn